January 6th, 2020

  1. I had created a new Cloud9 in instance in my $70 AWS starter account, I had named it “OverAchiever”. This where I can create and edit my code.
  2. I connected my GitHub repo (https://github.com/Trinity-Armstrong/ICS3U-2019-Group16) to the root of my new Cloud9 instance. In other words, I had uploaded all the files and images that are stored in my github repo so I can make changes to them.
How to connect Cloud9 instance root to GitHub repo
vocstartsoft:~/environment $ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ubuntu/environment/.git/
vocstartsoft:~/environment (master) $ git remote add origin https://github.com/Mr-Coxall/Amplify-Test
vocstartsoft:~/environment (master) $ git pull origin master